Ready for a new adventure? | upcycling of shirt #18

We are collecting & sharing 100 ideas to give your old shirt a new life! Upcycle or repair to make it ready for a new adventure! This is the #100greenstatements challenge by FOR KEEPS, and this week we are joined by Sopie from Silent Wave Indigo. You can read more about her in the last blog, and here we will share what she turned shirt #18 in to!

How did you make the creation?

I used an old white T-shirt and paired it with some leftover denim I had. The layer of denim being underneath the T-shirt and the design then entirely hand embroidered on top!

What did you make, and why?

For my design, I chose to embroider a compass and a whale, because I find the nautical world most inspiring as you can see in some of my other designs. This design in particular represents adventure and freedom, something greater than ourselves.


Read more?

Do you wish to find out more about Sophie and Silent Wave Indigo? You can off course check out the Instagram account of the Silent Wave Indigo Or go to the website!

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