Set your JINN free – make your own| Shirt #17

How to make your old t-shirt into a statement t-shirt? A green statement? Well, we are collecting & sharing 100 ideas to do that! This is the # 100greenstatements challenge by FOR KEEPS, and this week we teamed up with an artist from Israel, Lital Dorchin. You can read more about her in the Meet the Maker blog. Finally we can show shirt 17 & how she made it!

How did you make the creation?

A JINN is a metaphor for showing and accepting your fears. Maybe even turning it into a strength. You can try to make your own JINN on a shirt! Lital works with bleach, a small brush & a dark t-shirt. Give it a go. And don’t forget to rinse the t-shirt afterwards!

Making of the Jinn for FOR KEEPS
Give it a go!

Let us know if you try it! Send a message at or use the #100greenstatements


Read more?

Do you wish to find out more about Lital and Jinn? You can read more in  her FOR KEEPS profile . And you can off course check out the  Instagram account of Jinn.

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