Shirt #16 | Meet the maker – Belinda from Macnas

Half a year ago, end of summer 2020 we have started an amazing project. The next two years we’ll be making 100 t-shirts a green statement. We call it the #100greenstatements project.So every week we are collaborating with new artists or designers who are creating, repairing, styling their t-shirts. Can’t wait to see what they will make. And of course, we are curious: What is their story?

This week in the spotlight is Belinda, from Macnas. She is a designer and maker of amazing bags. They are one of a kind, and made from preloved materials. Bags you want to take on a small or a big journey. We talked about making 100 green statements, and she was up for a challenge. So getting curious, what she will make!

Can you tell us a little bit about you?

“If there is a choice between 3 spreads, say aioli, tapenade and cheese, I will try them all lined up on the same piece of bread.”

Nice to meet you, I am Belinda. These are my three spreads at the moment. Firstly, I design and make bags at Macnas. That is Gaelic for playful, flirty, sensual. The name is a reference to my Irish roots. It is also a reference to what bags can do for a person. Falling in love with a bag and wanting to wear it, because you love it so much. That’s why I like using preloved materials, the more the owner feels for the bag, the longer they will use it. Secondly, I am a maker, love experimenting with all kinds of materials. Totally enjoying making with others. Finding practical solutions with materials that are forehand. I love this element of serendipity! Thirdly I am an artist. Expressing myself with drawing, animation, words and pictures.

That’s me spread out for you!

How you started your business?

It once started with a piece of leather on the cloth market, I think 15 years ago. Since then I have made a lot, followed workshops and modules. A professional bag designer study at the moment in Scheveningen. After a few years of making in a corner of the house I expanded my studio in the attic and accepted assignments. Last year the waiting list got so long I decided to quit my job and focus on Bag Design.

What are your dreams?

My dream is to design a special bag with recognizable Macnas design, that I can expand to a bag line.

A bag that can help people with their self-expression. A bag they can adore and cherish. That is forkeeps 😉 This design will be created thanks to experiment, it can me made with revalued material and I can make variations in collaboration with others. I am also looking forward to making a bag that pushes the borders of self-expression, that makes it hard to decide if it is art or an object to use.

Who would you ask to join our challenge? (repair, style or upcycle)

Yesssss I would love to see what Studio Lanterfant would make, but I think The Crazy Smile can also surprise us!


Read more?

Do you wish to find out more about Belinda and Macnas? You can read more in her FOR KEEPS profile. And you can off course check out the Instagram account of Macnas.

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