Statement shirt #42 | fix and pimp

Every (other) week we are collaborating with new artists or designers who are upcycling, repairing, styling a t-shirts. Because end of last summer we have started the #100greenstatements project, to collect 100 ways to make your old shirt ready for a new party. All the revival inspiration you’ll need! Can’t wait to see what these makers will make. And of course, we are curious: What is their story?

This week we are joined by Eline, the founder of eco-centric brand Je Moeder- which means ‘your mother’. The brand calls for taking better care of our mother 🌍 together. We love their statements printed on overstock or preloved shirts!

How did you start your business & How do you see the future of fashion?

Hi! I’m Eline, I started this business while being a climate activist, wanting to make a bold statement. What is better than a protest sign? A Tshirt! Knowing the fashion industry being one of the biggest pollutors in the world, I could only choose to print a statement on recycled/donated/second hand clothes. Which we have tons of, due to overproduction.
For now we need all hands on deck: We need to stop consuming until we have an affordable sustainable fashion alternative!

So Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repair, Recycle, Recreate, Redesign, Regenerate!
To Regenerate means to have a climate-positive impact. There’s plenty of good quality natural materials that are improving soil-health and are great carbon sequesterers! Like Hemp 🙂 This is why Je Moeder also offers Hemp shirts, this is the future of fashion.

The fixing and pimping of shirt 42 starts with a hole…

What is the statement you want to make?

Fix & pimp. Give old textiles a new life. DIY. Do it yourself! Make boring clothes more fun and make upcycling fun, making people laugh and at the same time making them think and initiate a dialogue.

-1/3 of the clothes are never worn
-1% of produced clothing is only really recycled. The rest is shipped or incinerated. What a waste of energy….!



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