Monstera Love | Upcycling of shirt #5

Are you in love with Monstera? If so, you are gonna love this. Cause here is the blog on how Lua from Aka Tropicalia upcycled a shirt, or better, she made it a piece of art by adding Montera. And you can DIY! On our journey to making 100 t-shirts a green statement, this is t-shirt #5, a collaboration with Aka Tropicalia!

How to upcycle a plain shirt
into a piece of art?

Want to know more? Check this video

Lua made this great video, going into further detail about painting, upcycling and making this old shirt new <3

Let us know what you think!

We love to know what you think, or if you have any questions, get in touch!


Read more?

Want to read more about Lua, see more of AKA Tropicalia, or when you can meet them at a swan market, on Instagram. And check their latest designs and order on their website.

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